Hook Up en PromaxBDA Latinoamérica 2010.
El pasado Martes 19 de Octubre Gonzalo Azpiri, Director y Socio Fundador de Hook Up Animation brindó una charla en el marco de la Clínica Creativa y Espectáculos de los premios PromaxBDA Latinoamérica 2010, que se realizó en el Plaza Hotel de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
El tema seleccionado fue “Consejos para producir animación” donde Gonzalo desarrolló algunos aspectos importantes a tener en cuenta al momento de producir un proyecto animado en relación al presupuesto y el tiempo disponibles, como ser:
Elegir la Técnica adecuada.
Diseñar los personajes en consecuencia.
Definir inteligentemente las locaciones.
Escribir un guión que sea viable y acorde a nuestras posibilidades.
Hook Up at PromaxBDA Latin-American 2010.
Last Tuesday October 19th Gonzalo Azpiri, Hook Up Animation’s Director and Founding Partner, gave a lecture in the context of the Creative Clinic and Shows of the Latin-American PromaxBDA 2010 awards, that took place at the Plaza Hotel in the City of Buenos Aires.
The chosen theme was “Advices to produce animation” in which Gonzalo developed important aspects to have in mind when producing an animated project in relations to budget and available time, such as:
· Picking the proper technique.
· Designing the characters accordingly.
· Defining the locations intelligently.
· Writing a script that’s viable and appropriate to the possibilities.
Last Tuesday October 19th Gonzalo Azpiri, Hook Up Animation’s Director and Founding Partner, gave a lecture in the context of the Creative Clinic and Shows of the Latin-American PromaxBDA 2010 awards, that took place at the Plaza Hotel in the City of Buenos Aires.
The chosen theme was “Advices to produce animation” in which Gonzalo developed important aspects to have in mind when producing an animated project in relations to budget and available time, such as:
· Picking the proper technique.
· Designing the characters accordingly.
· Defining the locations intelligently.
· Writing a script that’s viable and appropriate to the possibilities.
Algunas imágenes del evento - Some images of the event: